Engaging, interactive, gamified simulations to promote Social Emotional Development and better communication in all areas of individuals in education communicating with each other. Avatar Portfolio – https://xr.cuanschutz.edu/
Engaging, interactive, gamified simulations to promote Social Emotional Development and better communication in all areas of individuals in education communicating with each other. Avatar Portfolio – https://xr.cuanschutz.edu/
This project will allow your students to simulate how a ball would fall on planets /moons with different gravity forces as an Augmented Reality solar system in yourclassroom!
Imagined and built independently from my Ed Tech role at the Istanbul International School, a global student collective resource where all classes recreate virtually the last meals they ate – to be shared with the world – https://www.cospaces.io/virtual-plate-project
Social-Emotional Avatars offer a wide range of simulation platforms designed to train human interactions in safe and non-judgmental virtual environments. It enables users to explore a wide range of non-verbal emotional responses and understand the corresponding changes in vocal tone associated with each emotion. The platform is highly customizable, allowing faculty, staff, and students to…